Having balanced meals which consist of healthy fats, protein and fiber matters when it comes to optimising our health. But what if I told you that the order in which you eat these foods also matters? Maybe you’re rolling your eyes at me. I totally get it. It sounds a bit far fetched. BUT hear me out.. this one small change in your eating habits can reduce your blood sugar spike by 73 PERCENT, make you feel full for longer and give you a range of other health benefits. Welcome to food sequencing.
What is food sequencing?
Food sequencing is the method of eating the food groups on your plate in a particular order. The ideal order should be:
- Vegetables first (or any type of fiber)
- Protein and fats second
- Carbohydrates and sugars last
This practice requires no other changes or restrictions to your diet, just the simple tweak of the order in which you eat your food. Let me give you a basic example of what meal sequencing could look like. Let’s say you have a lunch that includes chicken, broccoli, avocado and rice and a slice of brownie for dessert. Sticking to food sequencing would mean eating the broccoli first, then the chicken and avocado, then the rice and finally the dessert.
It might sound like a small change but the health benefits are anything but small. The biggest impact food sequencing has on our health is linked to blood sugar balance. BTW, balancing blood sugar levels is important for everyone, not just people who have diabetes or insulin resistance !!
Food sequencing can help to balance blood sugar
Food sequencing has been shown to have a huge impact on steadying blood sugar levels. Here’s how.
Non-starchy vegetables, dark leafy greens and any other food which contains high amounts of fiber lower the glycemic index (GI) of other foods as they are digested. To put it simply, fiber acts as a barrier in our body, preventing or at least significantly decreasing the blood sugar spike that comes from high GI foods, such as carbohydrates and sugars. The protein and fats (second food group in food sequencing) help to slow movement of food through our intestines, which also means that the glucose entering our body will be slowed down, resulting in less of a rapid spike.
So by eating the carbohydrates and sugars (high GI foods) last in our meal, they now have the fiber, protein and fats to slow down the blood sugar spike which would happen if we consumed the carbohydrates/sugars on an empty stomach. If you’re someone like me who is only convinced by proof, check out this study and this one to show you that food sequencing really works.
The health benefits of stabilising blood sugar
Now you may be thinking that stabilising blood sugar levels only helps those who have diabetes, insulin resistance or other glucose related health issues. Although stabilising blood sugar is vital for these groups of people, it is also super important for all of us!! Here are some of the great benefits that stabilising blood sugar through food sequencing can provide.
- LESS CRAVINGS AND INCREASED FULLNESS: Steady glucose levels are linked to longer periods of fullness and less cravings. Meal sequencing helps prevent large glucose swings as any high GI foods are consumed last, giving steady energy to the body and curbing sugary cravings.
- BETTER ENERGY AND SLEEP: Having unbalanced sugar levels can cause issues with falling or staying asleep. It can also make you feel hot or unsettled which can also disrupt sleep. Glucose spikes are also linked to fatigue and a lack of energy or alertness.
- STRONGER IMMUNE SYSTEM: High blood sugar causes stress for the whole body, including our immune system. This means that over time our immune system is weakened, resulting in more frequent illnesses and slower healing times from infections or wounds.
- SLOWER AGING AND BETTER SKIN: each glucose spike adds to the aging process of our body. Sugar molecules can damage collagen and elastic proteins, which can lead to wrinkles, less skin elasticity and other characterisitics of aging skin.
- BETTER MENTAL HEALTH: Diets with a lower GI (less of an effect on blood sugar levels) have been linked to less depressive symptoms, stabilised mood and overall better cognition.
Other benefits of balanced blood sugar levels include:
- better gut health
- better heart health
- clearer skin
- reduced risk of alzheimers
- reduced risk of cancer
- improved fertility
- weight loss
Food sequencing is a great practice to balance blood sugar as it doesn’t require any drastic changes to your diet. It is based purely around the order in which you eat your meal. There is no restriction, and you can still eat the carbohydrates and sugars which are often seen as ‘bad’ foods. This is such a small change that anyone can try with minimal effort and many potential benefits for their health.
Remembering the sequence is easy as well! Always start with veggies, then protein and fats, then carbohydrates and anything sweet! So why not give it a go for a week or two and see for yourself?
If you see any improvements, please LETTUCE know in the comments below!
Or just give me some more vegetable pun ideas 😃